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Lanson and Eloïde: a royal association!

Posted by on sept 13, 2012 in Partenaires |

Nice stories always end up crossing! Champagnes Lanson and Eloïde have the pleasure of offering you marvellous agreements with some ideas of royal kir! Think of incorporating a little syrup of basil, of tarragon, of thyme lemon or else of mint in your champagne. Pour a little syrup in the bottom of your flute or of your cut and add to it the champagne at...

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Eloïde au premier Festival Gourméditerranée !

Posted by on sept 12, 2012 in Actu |

Les 22, 23 et 24 septembre 2012, Eloïde sera présent au premier festival de l’association Gourméditerranée. Cette association, créée par Gérald Passédat (Le Petit Nice), Lionel Lévy (une table, au sud)et Guillaume Sourrieu (L’Epuisette) organise son premier festival dans le cadre de la Foire Internationale de Marseille. Guillaume Sourrieu, chef...

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Sorbet basil

Posted by on sept 11, 2012 in Recettes |

Recipe of Serge Billet, World champion of pastry and better worker of France 1989 Ingredients: 280 gr syrup basil, 140 gr of water, 3 gr stabilizer, 50 gr of powdered milk, 6 leaves of basil In a saucepan, put the syrup basil and the water and heat up slightly, pour the milk powder and stabilizer blend in the whip. Heat up without boiling. Overturn into the...

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Freshness of melon country and syrup of tarragon

Posted by on sept 11, 2012 in Recettes |

Recipe created by Giles Carmignani, leader of the restaurant The Table of Olivier Ingredients: 1 melon, 1 watermelon, 1 c in soup of syrup of tarragon, 1 c in soup of white balsamic vinegar, Salt, pepper Make balls of melon and watermelon. Salt, add pepper and make marinade expenses 3 hours in in the syrup of tarragon and the balsamic vinegar. Serve very...

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Mediates in the Basil

Posted by on sept 11, 2012 in Recettes |

Recipe created by Giles Carmignani, leader of the restaurant The Table of Olivier Ingredients: 150gr of syrup of Basil, 3 lemon juices, 2 Leaves of gelatine, 350 G of whole cream, Some leaves of Basil Make heat the syrup basil. Add the leaves of gelatine beforehand softened in the cold water. Add the lemon juice and the hacked leaves of basil. Let cool down...

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