Recipe of Serge Billet, World champion of pastry and better worker of France 1989

Ingredients: 280 gr syrup basil, 140 gr of water, 3 gr stabilizer, 50 gr of powdered milk, 6 leaves of basil

In a saucepan, put the syrup basil and the water and heat up slightly, pour the milk powder and stabilizer blend in the whip. Heat up without boiling. Overturn into the ice-cream maker pre-cooled down then slave away.
Add 5 – 10 minutes before the end of the turbinage the carved leaves of basil.
Keep to the freezer.

If you don’t use stabilizer you will get a delightful sorbet but which will have tendency to pailleter and that will abound not much. Therefore made in small quantity to savour it practically in exit of ice-cream maker.
The quality of the stabilizer brings texture and volume, and is of benefit to conservation. Note that performances are augmented in the case of an use of a professional ice-cream maker.